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WDW & Beyond

May 31, 2020

Welcome O'Hana family!!

On Episode #150 of WDW & Beyond - We can't believe we hit the 150 show mark!!! Thank You for coming along with us!!

Rob and Mike bring in Danielle & Gregory and our O'Hana Facebook Live family to help us discuss some news items and to help with being stuck at home - We discuss our Top 5...

May 24, 2020

Welcome O'Hana family!!

Welcome to Episode #149 of WDW & Beyond. with Mike's daughter Rachel joining us. 

Using the WDW & Beyond unique ranking system, we apply it to the Disney Animated Movies.

Join us as we rank the 2nd half of the movies from the Post Renaissance Age: Brother Bear, Home on the Range, Chicken...

May 17, 2020

Welcome O'Hana family!!

On Episode #148 of WDW & Beyond - Rob and Mike bring in Danielle & Gregory to help us discuss each of our Top 10 foods in Disney's Animal Kingdom. 

We cover a lot of food all over the park. Do you agree? Did we forget something? Let us know!!

Thank you for listening and please visit us...

May 10, 2020

Welcome O'Hana family!!

On Episode #147 of WDW & Beyond - We begin a Once Upon A time series. If you are looking for a TV show to binge, we strongly recommend this one. 

Rob is joined by Danielle & Gregory to discuss one of their favorite shows and who they think is the Top 10 Villains of the show over its 7 seasons. 

May 3, 2020

Welcome O'Hana family!!

On Episode #146 of WDW & Beyond we are joined by Danielle & Gregory to discuss Our List of Disney Animated Movies that need attractions at Walt Disney World. We put our Imagineering hats on and come up with our own list of shows, restaurants and attractions for Animated Movies.

Thank you for...